Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Fiawoo, an anointed prophet, pastor and teacher of the word of God, is the president and founder of Sozo International Family Church which is a thriving church with several members with the Headquarters located in Accra Adenta new site behind the Kaf International School near Pantang Junction.
i Pray for you that You shall move from just solving problems that arise out of your life daily to enjoying the fruits of your work in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that you shall see new doors God is opening for you. The heavens over you shall rain blessings that will overflow you life in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that God will give you beauty for ashes in your life. Your life shall be covered with the garment of praise in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that you will be sensitive to the leading of the spirit into new things that have never existed in your life. May the revelations of God in your heart be fulfilled in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that by the power of God, you shall be master over the circumstances of life. May you be a pacesetter in your family in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that God shall cause men to show you favour. By the power God's favour in your life, mighty blessings shall manifest all around you in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray and declare over you the blessings of God that makes rick and adds no sorrow. Any spell or enchantment from the camp of your enemies is overturned in Jesus name, Amen.
I pray for you that the place of your business operations shall be too small for you. The grace for extensive enlargement has come upon you today in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that God shall deliver you from any spirit of Herod around you. The lord keep you in perfect health and prosperity in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray and break any power of fear, leading you to lose your blessing. The power of anxiety and discouragement has lost hold over you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.