I pray for you that God will give you an ability to be chosen. May the curse of rejection and disappointment be broken out of your life in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that you shall be delivered from near death experiences. Any angel of death that attempts to fly around your house is placed under embargo now in Jesus Name, AMEN.
I pray for you that God fill your life with Good things. You shall be elevated to a place of abundant provision for yourself and others in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that every power of darkness causing blindness of your financial helpers to be broken. Help shall come to you from unexpected sources in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that God shall turn your tests and trials into testimonies. You shall embrace testimonies beyond your expectations in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that by the power of God, the effort of the enemies in your life be frustrated. Let their light be dimmed in obscurity in Jesus name, Amen.
I pray for you that God shall scarter out your enemies around you wishing your downfall. Shame and disgrace shall overshadow them in the name of Jesus, Amen.
I pray for you that you shall overpower demonic entities attempting to destroy the fruits of your sweat. You shall enjoy freely th good ness of God in this season in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that God shall cause the heavens over you to be fully opened. May you receive the capacity to contain and increase every blessing being poured upon you in Jesus name, Amen.
I pray for you that you shall be handpicked by God today for a Mighty Blessing. The challenges of your life shall not drown you in poverty and depresion in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that The angel of goodness and mercy shall not depart from you. Mighty help is your portion in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you today, that God will bless and enlarge your territory. May your scope of influence expand to the highes pinnacle in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that you shall be fruitful in every good work. The curse of barrenness in your life is hereby broken in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray and decree that your mouth shall be satisfied with good things. You shall have favour from unexpected sources in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that, by the power of God, you shall be master over the circumstances of life. May you be a pacesetter in your family in Jesus name, Amen.
I pray for you that God will raise a wall of fire around you & your house. No evil arrow targeted at you shall at you shall penetrate through in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that God will shine the light of financial freedom over your life. The time to enter your wealthy place is now in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
I pray for you that your eyes shall be opened to see the good things God is doing in your life. May you not miss your appointed time with God in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you today, that there shall be a release of an army of angels for your safety in your going out and in your coming in. Your dwelling is fully insured by heaven in Jesus Name, Amen.
I pray for you that, by the anointing, every yoke upon your neck shall be broken. The walls of opposition around you is coming down now in Jesus mighty name, amen.
I pray and paralyse the invented plans and decisions that are taken against you. Every prolonged sickness afflicting you is healed now in Jesus Name, AMEN.
I pray for you today, that God shall fill your heart with the knowledge of his will. You shall walk in the perfect plans of the Lord in every area of life in Jesus mighty name, amen.
I pray for you that God will carve out a path to untold success for you. The grace to unlimited access to wealth is your portion now in Jesus name, Amen.